Friday, December 31, 2010

Lemon Blackberry Scones

Tonight, I am going over to my friend's house for new years. There will be lots of fun times, so I will be (responsibly) spending the night. My friend, a younger girl who just moved into her own apartment, was really worried about what we were going to do for brunch the next day. I told her not to worry about it.

I've made these scones before. They were, for lack of a better word, ehhh. Not great. I figured out the problem, though! The batch was HUGE. The scones were huge. They had to be in the oven for over an hour and a half to get them to an edible state. It was just bad times. They tasted just fine, but by the time I got around to being able to taste them, I was frustrated with the whole project.
This time, I was determined to avoid the whole thing. I divided the dough into two discs. And I must say, that has improved this recipe by 1000%. Instead of 80 minutes in the oven (seriously not kidding), it took 30 minutes. And they are so good, and wonderfully sized. Seriously, if you need a sweet, moist scone recipe, try these. You won't be disappointed.

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