Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cake Balls

Anyone who has ever looked up baking on the internet knows about Bakerella. She's fun, fantastic, and makes a mean cake pop. Tomorrow is a church luncheon day, so my mum asked me to make a dessert. I've been dying to try this recipe, so I thought this would be a wonderful time to try it! Also, I had nothing to do all day. So, process shots and everything!

Cast of Characters: Cake mix. Can of frosting. Chocolate Chips (Bakerella encourages you to use chocolate bark; if my grocery store had had any, I would have). Eggs, Oil, and Water (those are what the back of the cake box told me I needed to make the cake).

Bake cake according to box directions.

Let the cake cool completely, then crumble up the remaining cake into a bowl (aka the most fun I've had in a long time).

Add entire can of frosting into the crumbled up cake. Mix it all up.

Use your hands (or a mini ice cream scoop, but who needs one of those?) to form the cake batter into balls. Rinse your hands as needed (seriously, the balls roll much better when your hands aren't covered in gunk). I don't have a shot of this part of the process because of the aforementioned dirty hands.

Refrigerate the balls for several hours (I did 4, and it went along swimmingly).

Melt the chocolate (I used a double boiler, because our microwave sucks). Since I used morsels, I had to add oil to mine to make the chocolate nice and smooth for dipping. Then dunk the cake balls into the melted chocolate, using a spoon to evenly spread the chocolate and get the balls out of the bowl. Tap the spoon on the edge of the bowl to get off the excess chocolate. Let the chocolate set.

Eat your weight in them. So delicious.

Also, don't be fooled if you taste the cake/frosting mixture before you add the coating on. That part is only okay. The chocolate coating makes all the difference. Seriously.

UPDATE: They taste even better after having sat in the fridge for a day. Also, all 30 balls were gone within 15 minutes of being put out at the church luncheon.

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